Thursday 29 November 2012

December Notes for Grade 2

 Grade 2 blog is up and running! Finally :)!

News from Grade Two!

We have been busy in Grade Two with a new unit in Math as well as a new theme.  Please keep reviewing Math facts with you child as these need to be automatic by the end of the year.  Remember to ask your child what strategy they are learning and using when solving facts. We have been working on the theme Circles and Cycles and learning about everyday cycles and life cycles. Be sure to ask your son/daughter about our pumpkin activity.  Many could not believe how many seeds were actually in one little pumpkin!

There will be lots of things happening over the next few weeks. ACC will be attending the Wizard of Oz production on December 7th. There will be permission slips going home the first of the week so please look for them and return as soon as possible.  Our school leadership group is planning on selling candy cane grams and all the profit will go towards adopting a family.  The candy grams will be .50 cents each.  Mrs. Brennan and music classes have been busy preparing for our school concert.  It will be on Friday, December 14th at 1:00pm.